Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day 2023!

Roughly half of our clients are women.  They include CEOs, writers, artists, professionals in almost every industry, moms, actors, entertainers, sports trainers, politicians, CPAs, veterinarians, grandmothers, entrepreneurs, assistants, business coaches, nutritional coaches, jewelers, foundation presidents, lobbyists, stylists, pharmacists, dancers, dentists, real estate moguls, securities brokers, doctors, scientists, and more. 

Collage of women clients for International Women's Day 2023

We’re in awe of their power, their commitment, their achievements.  And yes, of course!, we appreciate their business.  We celebrate them every day, but with today’s spotlight on International Women’s Day 2023, we invite you to join us. 

International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It’s a day to recognize the progress that has been made towards gender equality and to acknowledge the work that still needs to be done. It’s a day to celebrate women and to empower them to continue making positive change in the world.

So, what can you (and we) do to celebrate International Women’s Day?

Educate yourself

One of the most important things you can do on International Women’s Day is to educate yourself about the challenges that women face around the world. Read books and articles by women, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts about women’s rights and gender equality. Learn about the women who have fought for change in the past and the women who are fighting for change today.

Support women-owned businesses

One way to support women on International Women’s Day is to shop at women-owned businesses. Look for local businesses that are owned and operated by women, and make a point to shop there. By supporting women-owned businesses, you are helping to close the gender gap in entrepreneurship and supporting women’s economic empowerment.

Donate to women’s organizations

There are many organizations that work to promote women’s rights and gender equality around the world. On International Women’s Day, consider donating to one of these organizations. You can donate money, time, or resources to help these organizations continue their important work.

Attend an event

There are often events held on International Women’s Day, both online and in person. Look for events in your community that celebrate women and promote gender equality. Attend a rally, march, or conference to connect with other like-minded individuals and show your support for women’s rights.

Speak out against gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is a major issue around the world, and it’s important to speak out against it. On International Women’s Day, you can speak out against gender-based violence by sharing information on social media, attending a rally or march, or donating to organizations that work to combat gender-based violence.

Advocate for women’s rights

Advocating for women’s rights is an ongoing process, and International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to start or continue your advocacy work. Reach out to your local representatives and ask them to support policies that promote gender equality. Attend town hall meetings and speak up about the issues that matter to you. Use your voice to advocate for change.

Celebrate the women in your life

International Women’s Day is also a great opportunity to celebrate the women in your life. Take time to call, text, or visit the women who have made a positive impact on your life. Thank them for their support and celebrate their achievements.

Mentor a young woman

If you have experience in your field or industry, consider mentoring a young woman who is just starting out. You can provide guidance, support, and encouragement to help her succeed. By mentoring a young woman today, you pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Happy International Women’s Day 2023!




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