Our clients often want and need more than corporate headshots to market their businesses. They want personal branding photos that communicate personality, expertise, and locations. And product and service photos that show their businesses in action.

Such was the case with Tina Larsson of The Folson Group.

Tina Larsson of The Folson Group works with NYC condo and coop boards to help them run their buildings like businesses

The Face and Personality of the Business

Tina and her husband / business partner Mark J. Foley created The Folson Group to help NYC condo and coop boards run their buildings like businesses. And not just businesses!  Businesses that are greener, more sustainable, more affordable, and safer.  You can bet I introduced her to our board immediately!

Tina uses networking and social media extensively to market their business because their growth engine is rooted in establishing and deepening relationships. And those relationships aren’t restricted solely to board members. Most of their leads come from referrals. And those referrals come from apartment owners, construction companies, property management groups, and businesses who work within the real estate industry. 

Tina is a natural networker. Her sunny disposition and absolute inclusiveness drew me in. She’s one of the most welcoming and generous people I know. As one of the faces of the company, getting her personality across in the photos is really important. And having multiple photos to use across social media is a powerful and personal marketing tool. In other words, she wanted more than headshots. She wanted to show her sense of humor, her warmth, her friendliness. And we also chose to shoot photos that showed her in the NYC environment, since NYC is her primary market. In addition, we made sure to reflect her values in some of the portraits.

Focus — hers and ours!

Tina shared with us that her word for 2022 is FOCUS. I asked her why.

“In 2020, I was working on growing our business in so many aspects  that I was all over the place. Reading books, taking courses, meditating, writing lists, setting up processes, improving branding, making my vision boards, creating strategies.” Her LinkedIn coach, Joe Apfelbaum of Ajax Union B2B Marketing, and her business coach, Terri Maxwell of Shift/Co, have helped provide Tina with the tools to do these things, and “this year, I’m 10X-ing my input and taking action. I have a plan to take ONE massive action each month, so “focus” is the perfect word to get me there.”

Such intense focus doesn’t stop her from having fun. I asked what makes her laugh out loud. Here’s a sampling: “my husband, my sister, biking downhill, getting my list crossed off, when pets love me, when my LI posts go viral.”

And I can absolutely vouch that Tina knows how to have fun. Her photo shoot was a blast, mainly because Tina is game for anything and has tons of great ideas.

I’m so happy our building is one of Tina’s clients, and I’m thrilled that she is one of ours.

If you haven’t connected with her yet, DO. You won’t regret it.

And if you want headshots — or even better, more than headshots — to market yourself and your business, we’re here for you!



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